Movellus Extends Droop Management Leadership with Aeonic Generate™ AWM3

SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Movellus today announced the expansion of its award–winning1 droop response solutions with the Aeonic Generate™ AWM3. This pioneering solution responds to voltage droops within 1–2 clock cycles while providing enhanced observability for droop profiling. The AWM3 also enables fine–grained dynamic frequency scaling (DFS/DVFS). In combination, the AWM3 droop mitigation and dynamic frequency scaling capabilities reduce the power consumption of complex integrated circuits (ICs) while maintaining the device’s operational integrity.

“Nowadays, with the ever increasing need of more performance with tighter constraints on power, the importance of DVFS is paramount,” said Miquel Izquierdo Ustrell, Chief Architect of Semidynamics. “Manipulating the clock and the voltage has risks, and the peace of mind given by a smart PLL like the Movellus AWM3 that allows smooth clock transitions and protection against voltage droop is essential to reach the limits of performance.”

The AWM3 halves the droop response time over the industry leading AWM2 generation and features an unprecedented level of programmability in response profile to meet customers’ individual architectural and dynamic workload requirements. In combination with the Aeonic Insight™ Droop Detector, the AWM3 provides the industry’s only complete droop detection and response system that also provides insight into droop profiles and clock metrics that can be leveraged by silicon analytics platforms.

“As a provider for signoff Electromigration and IR drop (EMIR), we see customers building margins into their chips’ PDN networks to accommodate all worst–case scenarios,” said Joseph C. Davis, senior director, Calibre Interfaces & mPower Product Management, Siemens Digital Industries Software. “Active droop management is just what these customers need to manage dynamic voltage droop excursions in–situ and minimize risk of escapes.”

Key features of the Aeonic Generate AWM3 include:

  • Extremely fast time to adapt (detect + respond) for droop with fine–grained clock speed control
  • Rapid response time for DFS/DVFS control
  • Comprehensive droop and clock health telemetry
  • Programmable droop response and recovery profile
  • Support for remote and local droop detection
  • Standard interfaces for silicon lifecycle management during test and mission mode

Movellus continues to advance high–performance silicon through feature–rich, synthesizable IP. The Aeonic™ Digital IP platform has been integrated by multiple customers across various process nodes, from 40nm to 3nm. End applications range from ultra–low power edge AI devices to performance–centric cloud datacenter compute and AI offerings. This latest milestone enables advanced on–die observability and droop response to cutting–edge SoCs, AI accelerators, and processors.

The Aeonic Generate™ AWM3 is available now. For more information on Aeonic Generate AWM3, visit–overview/aeonic–generate.

About Movellus
Movellus provides critical technology that is integrated into an array of applications ranging from edge AI devices to performance–centric cloud datacenter compute and networking offerings. The company is headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA, with R&D centers in Michigan and Toronto. Visit us at:

Movellus, the Movellus logo, Aeonic, Aeonic Generate, Elevating Silicon, Aeonic Insight, and Intelligent Clock Networks are among the trademarks of Movellus. The term “Movellus” refers to Movellus Circuits, Inc and/or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Press Contact
Aakash Jani
[email protected]

1 Movellus Recognized by Frost & Sullivan for Improving System Performance and Optimizing Power with Its Aeonic™ IP Portfolio

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